Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Let there be no darkness in the world, happiness be in abundance like flowers blossoming

The above caption is direct translation of "让世间找不到黑暗, 幸福像花开放", part of lyrics of a recently rearranged song entitled 'the Prayers' or 《祈祷》 sang by Tsai Chin (蔡琴). She first presented the song to live audiences of Sichuan, China as a form of offering renewed prayers plus hope to next-of-kin of calamity (earthquake with massive casualties a year ago) victims.

It is reported that she has just recorded the said song using a Manley Reference Cardioid microphone in a recording studio in USA. Are we expecting another new album release from her by Universal Music? I certainly look forward to it.

To listen to the song in MP3, click here: http://ent.csonline.com.cn/yyzjc/200905/t20090511_944383.htm I dedicate the song to all in search of hope and inner strength in facing their struggles and endeavours. Full lyrics of 《祈祷》 :

作词: 翁炳荣
编曲:Martin Tang

让我们敲希望的钟呀, 多少祈祷在心中
让大家看不到失败, 叫成功永远在
让地球忘记了转动呀, 四季少了夏秋冬
让宇宙关不了天窗, 叫太阳不西冲
让欢喜代替了哀愁呀, 微笑不会再害羞
让时光懂得去倒流, 叫青春不开溜
让贫穷开始去逃亡呀, 快乐健康流四方
让世间找不到黑暗, 幸福像花开放
让我们敲希望的钟呀, 多少祈祷在心中
让大家看不到失败, 叫成功永远在
让大家看不到失败, 叫成功永远在

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